website designer


andy mason author

Andy Mason

Professional website designer and developer with Wordpress and HTML.

Based in Hastings, East Sussex

WordPress geek designer.
5 star holidays in Turkey.
Fair weather fisherman, 
Reading funny fantasy.
Cooking yummy meals.

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Web Design
Born in 1960 - 
Raised in Lewes, East Sussex. 
Educated in Lewes Priory School until 1976 but left after summer exams at the age of 15 because teachers could not mark papers properly due to hay fever causing snot all over the exam papers.
Joined Chandlers Builders Merchants of Lewes as full time tea boy until Feb 1977 when I discovered that signing up for HM Armed Forces was worth twice the weekly pay at Catterick Camp, even though it was putting my life at risk to one particular (Ginger Haired scouser) knife wielding maniac in the barracks. I survived that ...
Contracted Red Flu within 8 weeks of starting at Catterick Camp, rendering me totally unable to carry out my duties for Queen and Country. Got so sick I was sent home to recover. 
Went back to Catterick Camp and completed my training with a new group of squadies and passed out with flying colours for my career in the Royal Signals.
Realised within 2 weeks that I just wanted to go home. 
Went home and joined up once more with Chandlers - although this time at the Easons Green depot selling roofing materials to tradesmen and the public - most of whom were nice but quite a few were total arseholes.
In 1989 I was promoted to branch manager in charge of 14 personnel. Got sacked in 1992, 5 years after the 1987 hurricane threatened to rob me of my sanity even though the company profited handsomely during those years. In 1992, Chandlers went bust due to financial miss-management and had to consolidate depots. The fact that the CEO's son was manager at the depot where we moved to was 100% the cause of my sacking.
With the meagre payout I received for all those years of sweat and blood, I set up my own business selling pet food  - door to door.
This was always doomed to failure due to lack of volume and the margins I had to work on. However, with the sad passing of my grand-mother I inherited enough cash to start a stall in the Indoor Market Bexhill - then I began to make better money.

There I met Karen, my partner of 25 years (as of 2021) and in 2006 we sold up everything to move to Portugal.
While living in the hamlet of Broeiras, near Caldas da Rainha, I acquired the necessary words of the Portuguese language to stutter through everyday life and learned the one skill that I could take with me everywhere - that of web design.
We started a bed and breakfast business in our Portuguese house and the website I built to promote it was totally html and css with basic seo.
We got customers and I learned to refine my skills - but it became apparent that if I had the know-how to use Wordpress instead then everything would have been easier and quicker.
Fast-Forward to England 2021 and I am now in a position to offer both advanced websites and simple websites to anyone in any kind of business or with any project to monetise.
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